
A couple days ago, I was going to write a blog, about my frustrations with how over protective people are of me. It is so bad, that when these people get like this, I just want to scream till my heart is content.

I know its been a month since I have last updated, and many of you are probably wondering what I have been up to. Let’s just say not a whole lot. There have been some arguments, some words exchanged, some hopefuls, and meeting new people.

I am not going to go into what has all happened but the recent people that I have met in my life, I hope they stay around for a long time. It is unbelievable on how comfortable I am with these 3 new people in my life, and I am loving it. I have stayed out all night with them, but I tend to find myself just taking everything in, and enjoying what they bring into my life, even if they may not notice it. But I know they do.

A week ago on the 10th my friends and I went to sing Karaoke. I know they sing Karaoke more than I have, but I went up there, and I sang, “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson. I was told it was good for the 1st time, but I hit one of the notes that was terribly bad, where I saw people cringe. Yeah, it was not that great, but a few would like to differ.

There was than a song dedicated to me, and lately I have been thinking of this song, and trying to analyze it, and see what attracts me to this song. Maybe its the beat, the lyrics, and the voice. I am not really sure, but I find myself falling for this song. It is telling me something, which many songs are but this song definitely is telling me something.  Here is the video, and the lyrics. After the Video please follow along some more. There will be more of me writing, or practically typing.

So, analyzing these first set of lyrics of the song

“Must be your skin that I’m sinkin in
Must be for real cause now I can feel (I can now feel, it is a little crazy, cause my whole life I have never felt the way that I have been feeling. I feel like I have felt this way one time or another, maybe. It could be, cause my life is changing. It has changed a lot in the past couple months. It is weird but hard to explain)
and I didn’t mind
it’s not my kind
not my time to wonder why ( I have always wondered why, since I can remember even before the change of weight loss. I will always ‘ wonder why ‘ for many reasons, and one of these, I hope I can stop that.)
every thing’s gone white
and every thing’s grey
now your here now you away ( I am sometimes here, I am sometimes away. My mind tends to drift a lot, specially when I am thinking bout things in my life. Sometimes, I will be talking to someone, and the next minute, my mind is on this other person or thing. I am a day dreamer. A Very Big Day Dreamer. Enough said. )
I don’t want this
remember that
I’ll never forget where your at
don’t let the days go by ( this is something that I have to remember, so many days get a head of me, and I always let the days just go by, with out feeling sometimes. Recently, I have felt a lot. I have to continue to remind myself that I need to make the most of every day, and to just have fun. To be the person that I know that is with in.
glycerine ”

2nd set of lyrics

I’m never alone ( I am never alone cause I have my friends and family )
I’m alone all the time  ( But I am alone all the time, so many times, I wish I was not alone, that is one of the many reasons why, I wish to just love someone and that person to love me back. For me to be able to confide in this person, bout everything, to just have someone there, sitting next to me so I can talk to with out having to pick up a phone to call a friend or even a family member, it is something that I wish I could have right now. To be able to talk to, cause I feel I have a lot to say)
are you at one (sometimes I am at one)
or do you lie ( sometimes I do, but I don’t lie about my life or anyone elses. If its a lie there better be Big enough excuse to follow, that lie )
we live in a wheel
where everyone steals
but when we rise it’s like strawberry fields

3rd set of Lyrics

If I treated you bad
you bruise my face
couldn’t love you more
you got a beautiful taste
don’t let the days go by
could have been easier on you
I coudn’t change though I wanted to
could have been easier by three
our old friend fear and you and me
glycerine (repeat)
don’t let the days go by
(^^ Just what it says, no need to analyze it )

Last set of Lyrics

I needed you more
when we wanted us less
I could not kiss just regress
it might just be
clear simple and plain
that’s just fine
that’s just one of my names
don’t let the days go by
could’ve been easier on you
( ^^Thanks )

To the person who sang this, Thank you for introducing me to this song. I appreciate it. :) *Hugs to you* You know who you are.

We as humans have to change whether we like it or not. I know that friends, and family are starting to see the change in me. Whether they tell me or not, I know they see it. I know they see that my confidence has risen and will continue to rise. I am not only changing Physically, but I am also changing emotionally, too. I have always said, and I have to remind myself constantly. That before someone can love you, you have to love yourself and have confidence in yourself first before he or she does. I am slowly learning to love my self again but the new some what of confidence is boosting that. I know there is someone for me, I just have to learn patients on the relationship front. It’s time to step back, and let things happen, I have been catching myself on jumping in. I have to take one step at a time. :) I am slowly learning that, too.

In other news, June 12-22nd, I am traveling with some friends to NY. I am Very Excited, and can not wait. I have always wanted to travel. I can not wait for this experience. I know the 4 of us will definetly have a blast. More on that later.

It is time to say, “Good Night!” It is 5:21 am << that to is another story. 

As always Comments are Appreciated!
