2011: What a Year!

What a Year! It has been May of 2011 since I have lost blogged. I really do not know what to say. But this past year has taught me a few things about my life. I am Strong, and to Hell with the people who think they are “Hot Shots” (Get over yourself). Because let me tell you something: Life is not all Sunshine, and Roses. Life sucks, and if you cannot pick up yourself up off the floor (than lay there), but you have to get back up, dust yourself off, and try again! I am tired of people, tired of the bullshit that people like to pull. This blog is about Friends, and Goals.

Friends:  In previous blogs, I have always talked about, how I feel like I was never really “Liked.” I also find myself that I talk about it A Lot! Well, I am going to control myself from saying that, because it does not matter now, that was years ago, and if people do not like me, than they are not worth my time. I have been constantly told by people that I am one of the sweetest people that they have met.  Whether if they have met me once or those who have known me for 21 years (childhood friends). I once told a friend years ago, that friends come, and go, that’s life. It is not something that we can control. We either grow up or grow apart because Life wants to take us to where we feel that we need to go. I know who my true friends are now, I also know that new friends will come into my life, which has taught me a few things, is to not always believe what someone says to you, and to not trust them right away. But it has taught me to at least give them a chance, at arm’s length. If they cannot accept the fact that I am sometimes loud, maybe a little reserved, or just being my weird self, then it is fine by me, for I like that I am a little(a lot) quirky. I feel that not many know who I truly am, because I am constantly changing. I actually like change, even though it scares me like no other. But if it is for the right reason, Bring on the Change! I know who my true friends, because true friends do not stab one another in the back. Friends actually listen to you, not ignore you. This past year about “Friends” has taught me a lot. It does not matter whether if you have 1 close friend to 10+ close friends. What does matter is that you know who you are, what you stand for as a person. And if your so called “true friends” cannot accept you the way you are, how you act, what you do, how you live your life, than they are not your friends to begin with. If they tell you how to act or if you are just following along with what they are doing, and you are not satisfied. Than it is time to stop. For if you are not happy with yourself, the situation, and the people you are hanging with, well than it is time to look elsewhere. Whether if it be at a new job, going to school, or even moving back home to get your life back on track, you have to do what you feel is right and comfortable for yourself. Last but certainly not least: You Do Not change for anyone, You Change for yourself! This includes Friends, Family, and Partners. Yet, when you are a Unit (2 people in a relationship). You change together, keep the communication open, are honest with one another, trust each other, and Love each other.  If you cannot have one of those in a relationship, I firmly believe that the relationship will not work out.

Goals:  I have many. There I said it, some call me crazy, for I have so many. Many of them are also dreams. I dream of to be a Mother, a Wife, one day a Grandmother, a Career Woman, a Friend to my future Kids, a Loving Stable Home Life for my future Children. Are some of those too much to ask? But my Goals for right now are to get back on track on this train aka “The Journey” of life, of Health, and Fitness. To start believing in myself again, that I really can do this. I can become Healthy again, and to start my Journey of going to School for Graphic Communications/Graphic Design with an Emphasis/Minor in Production. I have always felt that I am never smart enough. But I have realized something about myself, when I dream about it, and put it out in the world, wish for it, pray for it, and start believing in myself more. Then I know I can do anything, along with the support of Family, and Friends. I do not set New Year’s Resolutions, I set Goals for myself. If I do not make the Goal, well I am going to keep on trying, because that is what I have always done in life, and it has helped me this far, and it for sure has made me stronger. This past year, I found my true strength in life I knew how it was/is to struggle each month. But with the support of my Mom, and my friends listening to me, I got through it, and I came out on top better than I have been in a long time. Another Goal of mine for this year is to get out of debt. The only debt I planned to have this year is by going school, to further my education, in hopes that it brings me where I need to be: A Career Woman – A Dream Goal.

As for 2012, I hope you are nice to me this year. I have been told by a few people that this is my year, and I am going to personally show you that. Watch me, for I am not giving up anytime soon. I cannot afford to give up for what I have already worked so hard for.

My question for all of you, what do you think of me starting a personal Video Blog every day, and posting it to YouTube, about my weight loss? To me it would be like a Video Diary that I can look back on at the end of each month or a year from now. Let me know.

This ends the blog, I have been reading past blogs that I have written, and I really truly can tell, that I have already come along way. If your heart desires, read till your heart is content.

~Lesha “McGee” “Peaches”

Please listen below of my New Favorite song. Definitely my Anthem for 2012!

“Arms” by Christina Perri
