
Hello Readers,

I know that it has been a while since I have posted anything. Kind of want to give you an update on what has been going on. Currently(well not at this moment) I have been working out with my Chiropractor, today we had touched base on my range of motion which I am guessing is average for someone like me who rarely stretches, and exercises as of late. I am the first to tell you, that I have been slacking, I have ‘fallen off the wagon,’ as some say. I guess I just need to get ‘back on the horse,’ so to speak. I am writing this blog, because I am begging for some Motivation, and Encouragement. When I first started this Journey on Weight Loss, I thought I would be at the goal I set for myself by this time, and I am not. I am disappointed in myself. The past two years have been a struggle for me, and I lost that motivation due to stress; But Thank God, I have yet to Pity myself about it, and I do not want to because that is not who I am. I do not sit here and say, ‘Oh, poor me.’

Some of you also know that I have a YouTube account, and a shock to a few. I have not posted in two years on my YouTube account, but I am going to delete the videos, cause they just make me sick looking at them. I am going to Try(saying that strongly) to post one video blog once a week, no matter what it is. Whether it is me being profound, Ditzy, and boring or even weird.  I was going to have this blog on how my blog makes me so “Mysterious,” for the fact my blog is known as “Mysterious Writer,” and well I have been told by a someone actually famous person, (I will have to find the comment, that he replied to), that I am Mysterious. ;)  So, that will be my next “Blog & Vlog” to come, on “Mysterious” people actually think of me as. Is it okay to leave some things to the imagination? I will have to agree.


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